Wednesday, September 7, 2011

My Friends are #Hot

I have some pretty awesome best friends. Alli and Morgan write about "All Things Important" for We Out Here Magazine where they sum up anything and everything going on in the world of pop culture. They have the ability to turn boring details into things that make you literally laugh out loud. Just recently they wrote an article covering the VMAs; here are a few excerpts from their most recent pop culture commentary:

     If Jessie J’s broken leg didn’t make you feel bad enough, her lack of talent would have done the trick. The woman entertained the audience during commercial breaks with her covers of current radio hits.
     It makes you wonder what crazy $h!t will go down next year… Miley pregnant? Justin Bieber the father? Lady Gaga’s not really a lady? Kanye West is a gentleman?
     Side note: The best part of the whole night was the new episode of J Shore that aired right before the awards. Even though it pissed us off that Ron didn’t take out Mike, it was funny to see Mike send himself to the hospital via cement wall. #ThatAintRight

Their #hashtagging is a perfect segue into another post by the beautiful Alli and Morgan as well as the inspiration for this post, #ToTweet or #NottoTweet(if you don't know what hashtagging  is, CLICK it and educate yourself!) Here they give a rundown of who to follow on Twitter starting with The Dark Lord himself.

@Lord_Voldemort7Cynical has never been so funny. You don’t have to love Harry Potter to follow this dark tweeting mastermind. Whether it’s calling out the social elite or simply bashing on Justin Bieber this wizard makes pop culture his #beyotch.

Wow, I love and miss my friends. Shout out to @mauracasad for coming up to Seattle this weekend. Another shout out to my sister @MaddieOslie for making the varsity volleyball team! #madprops. 

Twitter is taking over the world. There were hashtags on CNN during the presidential debate! It's such a fun and easy way to keep in touch with things you actually care about. It's like facebook, but with Twitter you don't feel bad about not following your awkward friend who posts statuses about her boring life 27 times a day. You also have a chance to follow some of these HILARIOUS gems:

@FirstWorldPains is definitely my favorite tweeter. They voice the complaints that we all have in a way that makes you feel ashamed about having first class amenities. This can also transition into real life. When a teammate says that "this tastes nonfat" or they "already chipped their nail polish", just throw a "FIRST WORLD PAINS" their way and it brings everyone back to appreciating their full fat ice cream and bad nail polish for a few seconds. 
Last night I slept on my pillow especially for side sleepers, instead of my one for stomach sleepers. My neck hurts today. 

@WhiteGirlProblems is another classic tweeter. Girls have their own problems too, like feeling too fat or being single. This poignant poster calls it like it is. 
First I'm gonna play it cool, then I'm gonna play it desperate, then I'm gonna kill myself if he doesn't text me back. #whitegirlproblems

@HipsterMermaid is what Voldemort would be tweeting if he had first world white girl problems. Imagine if cynicism ran into pop culture mixed with annoying Americans and had the ability to tell anyone and everyone how they feel about it. I give you, THE Hipster Mermaid. 
I don't get why people get mad when they're tagged in an embarrassing pic on Facebook, yet continue to check-in to places like Applebees.

@TheKyleMcNally deserves a shout out for being the first guy who's admitted to even looking at my blog! Whether he's just really into fashion and cute country living or just really creepy, this 6'6" Sprague graduate turned Willamette University basketball player is still a really cool guy.
(I'd quote one of his tweets, but I'll just say "Basketball" and that should sum them all up.)

Goodnight from Denver, and Happy Tweeting!

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